Saturday, July 7, 2012

Final Day of the West Trip

I am finally back in London! Never thought I would be happy to see all of the stairs of the center. Its really nice to know that tomorrow I do not have to get on a coach bus. However, our driver was fantastic. Kevin liked us and would chat with anyone and he was really kind. So our last day, we did a ton of driving but we made two stops. Our first stop was the Eden Project.

So what is the Eden Project? Well, Britain used to have an Empire and when they would claim a new land they would bring back plants, soil, bugs and things to the island. It was their way of collecting souvenirs. This was then influenced by the huge environmental movement that has been going on. So, they British have two huge Biomes (greenhouses) and it is a charity and educational spot. The first Biome is the rainforest. I was so happy to be in the humidity again! It was great. Other girls felt disgusted and couldn't stand being damp, but they like the cold. The plants were really pretty and some I had never seen before. It also has a suspended walkway that takes you to the top of the Biome to let you see the whole biome. It was really cool but a little scary since it shook while people walked on it. I was just really glad that I don't have a fear of heights. 

After the Rainforest Biome there was a Mediterranean Biome. It was a great place to cool off a bit after the Rainforest. I loved looking at all the herbs and they were making a fresh soup that filled the air with the smell of Italy. It was fantastic. The food wasn't half bad either. The food was made entirely of things that they grew locally or in the Biomes I believe and it was a little pricey but good. I liked it.

Me with the Biome behind me
After the Eden Project we went to the Stourhead. It is an English manner home that was used in Pride and Prejudice with Keira Knightley and The Queen. I was able to go through the manner house which was beautiful. They had a piece of furniture that used to belong to a Pope. It was made of granite, precious and semiprecious stones and had 150 secret drawers. It is currently worth 13 million pounds and is one of the most important pieces of furniture in Britain. I didn't know there were such things as important pieces of furniture. While we were waiting for the rest of the group to get back from the gardens I explored the gift shop. I bought two books that are based off the WWII ad Keep Calm and Carry On. On is Keep Calm for Ladies, the other is Now Panic and Freak Out. Both books contain quotes that pertain to their perspective titles. They are hilarious. Have a great night!

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